As we prepare to embark on a journey that will push us to the limits of our physical and mental endurance, our ocean rowing adventure is more than just a personal challenge. Our journey is a tandem effort, not just in rowing but in raising awareness about the critical issues of ocean conservation, marine pollution, and climate change. 

Our experiences, though miles apart, have brought us to the same realization: our oceans are in peril. Maurizio, hailing from Venezuela and now residing in Miami, has witnessed the escalating pollution problems affecting both the Caribbean and the Atlantic coastlines. Living in Miami, a city renowned for its beautiful beaches now marred by waste, has only strengthened his resolve.

Meanwhile, Tobias’ travels around the world have opened his eyes to the declining state of our beaches. From pristine sands to shores strewn with plastic, the contrast is heartbreaking. The once vibrant underwater worlds are now suffocating under the weight of human neglect.

Together, we've seen how pollution doesn't just tarnish the beauty of these places but disrupts the entire marine ecosystem. Over 8 million tons of plastic (the amount is increasing year by year) dumped into our oceans annually is a testament to the crisis. This plastic menace entangles marine life, disrupts habitats, and even enters our food chain. And it's not just plastic - oil spills, toxic wastes, and other pollutants contribute to the ocean's plight.

a turtle with a plastic bag

But it's not all doom and gloom. Each stroke of our oars across the Atlantic will be a call to action, a reminder that we can, and must, do better. This row is our way of shining a spotlight on these issues, of stirring the waters of awareness and inspiring change.

So, what can we, as individuals, do? First and foremost, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Our everyday choices can significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the oceans. Supporting policies and organizations (a blog post about candidates will follow) dedicated to ocean conservation is another powerful way to make a difference. It's about making conscious choices - opting for sustainable seafood, reducing carbon footprints, and educating ourselves and others about the importance of maintaining ocean health.

This row is for the ocean, for its majestic beauty and its silent plea for help. As we navigate through its waters, we carry with us the hope that this small act can ripple across the consciousness of many, awakening a collective effort to save our precious seas.

As they navigate the waters, Maurizio and Tobias invite you to join their cause, urging you to volunteer or donate to initiatives dedicated to preserving our oceans for future generations.

Tobias Braun


Tobias, co-founder of Dare To Act, is an Indian-German and a current Machine Learning Ph.D. candidate. Alongside his academic pursuits, he's also an author.