As we stand on the precipice of this adventure that screams the sweet promise of the unknown, our hearts race with a mix of exhilaration and a quiet, persistent apprehension. As we are about to embark on this ocean row - a formidable challenge that will not only test our physical and mental limits but has already begun to test our emotional waters of our relationships, especially with our loved ones.

It's a peculiar feeling, explaining to your family and friends why you're choosing to row across an ocean. Their reactions, a blend of worry, incredulity, and even fear, are as palpable as the salty sea breeze. I see it in their eyes, the unspoken questions: "Why would you do this?", "Is it worth the risk?" Their concerns, voiced in emotionally charged conversations, often tread the line between protective love and a deep-seated fear of loss.

Their worry is a tempest we navigate even before setting out to sea. Each question, each tearful plea, is a wave crashing against our resolve. But within us burns a fire of persistence and determination, fueled by a need to push our boundaries, to discover what lies beyond the horizon of comfort and routine.

This journey, this colossal row, is not just about conquering physical distances. It's about discovering uncharted territories of our souls, testing our resilience, and embracing the raw beauty of nature in its most untamed form. It's about proving to ourselves that the impossible is merely a challenge awaiting those bold enough to face it.

As we reassure our loved ones, offering them words of comfort and explaining the countless safety measures and preparations, we understand their fears. But we also recognize that this is a path we need to tread. It's a journey not just across the ocean, but into the very heart of who we are and who we aspire to be.

So, with a heart full of love for those we leave on shore and a spirit yearning for the vastness of the sea, we step forward. This is our odyssey, a testament to the power of dreams and the unyielding strength of the human spirit.

Tobias Braun


Tobias, co-founder of Dare To Act, is an Indian-German and a current Machine Learning Ph.D. candidate. Alongside his academic pursuits, he's also an author.